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Tool for Multi-hazard Risk Assessment in Python
The project builds on outputs from the METEOR project (NEE6423R) to generate a tool that can be used in future projects to assess multi-hazard risk. The METEOR model was initially developed in ArcGIS. By streamlining this code in Python we will make multi-hazard risk analysis faster and more widely applicable.
Sample output of a hazard map produced from combining different risk factors in Tanzania.
_These documents are currently written from an Internal BGS perspective and are not yet for public release._
This software was developed from a Jupyter notebook by @kle (Kathryn Leeming) to take multiple spatial inputs (dbf, tifs) and combine them to create hazard vulnerability maps. Notebook was run from a directory containing copies of the files, original files are on W drive. The original notebooks are now archived in the notebooks
directory in the repository linked below.
To submit issues, report bugs, or feature requests submit them at: https://kwvmxgit.ad.nerc.ac.uk/decval/hazardmaps