Database to database copy ETL script template

The following is a template for an ETL script. It copies copy all the sensor readings from the previous day from an Oracle source to PostgreSQL destination.

"""ETL Helper script to demonstrate copying data from an Oracle database into a PostgreSQL database."""
import datetime as dt
from textwrap import dedent
import etlhelper as etl
from my_databases import ORACLEDB, POSTGRESDB

CREATE_SQL = dedent("""
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sensordata.readings
        sensor_data_id bigint PRIMARY KEY,
        measure_id bigint,
        time_stamp timestamp without time zone,
        meas_value double precision

DELETE_SQL = dedent("""
    DELETE FROM sensordata.readings
    WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN %(startdate)s AND %(enddate)s

SELECT_SQL = dedent("""
    SELECT id, measure_id, time_stamp, reading
    FROM sensor_data
    WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN :startdate AND :enddate
    ORDER BY time_stamp

INSERT_SQL = dedent("""
    INSERT INTO sensordata.readings (sensor_data_id, measure_id, time_stamp,
    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)

def copy_readings(startdate: dt.datetime, enddate: dt.datetime) -> None:
    params = {"startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate}

    with ORACLEDB.connect("ORA_PASSWORD") as src_conn:
        with POSTGRESDB.connect("PG_PASSWORD") as dest_conn:
            etl.execute(CREATE_SQL, dest_conn)
            etl.execute(DELETE_SQL, dest_conn, parameters=params)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Copy data from 00:00:00 yesterday to 00:00:00 today
    today = dt.combine(, dt.time.min)
    yesterday = today - dt.timedelta(1)

    copy_readings(yesterday, today)

It is valuable to create idempotent scripts to ensure that they can be rerun without problems. In this example, the “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS” command can be called repeatedly. The DELETE_SQL command clears existing data prior to insertion to prevent duplicate key errors. SQL syntax such as “INSERT OR UPDATE”, “UPSERT” or “INSERT … ON CONFLICT” may be more efficient, but the the exact commands depend on the target database type.