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Working with RDF Graph Databases in Python

5 minute read

In BGS, we work with a number of linked datasets which are stored as RDF graph databases. These include our own comprehensive lithology classification, the BGS Rock Classification Scheme, and a simpler international e...

Switching from NVM to Volta

2 minute read

The problem Developers using WSL as their established environment have no issue switching between Node versions using nvm, whereas this operation requires admin rights for Windows users running outside of WSL.

Migrating from NPM to PNPM

6 minute read

PNPM has been touted as a more performant and reliable replacement for NPM, aiming to reduce slow build times and eliminate issues with dependency mismatches. I primarily investigated PNPM as a way of speeding up the ...

Web based 3D geological model viewer

8 minute read

BGS’s 3D geological model viewer provides on-demand generation of images of synthetic borehole log, vertical section and horizontal slices as outputs from selected 3D geological models. These are made available throug...